Please stop misinterpreting the French navy presence in the South China Sea*

By General (ret.) Daniel Schaeffer, Asie21 March 4, 2021 (Reproduction authorized by any interested media; please quote the present source) Succumbing to the facility of hasty interpretations, one part of the international media described the two French naval presence activities in the South China Sea, a recent one and the next one in a near … Lire la suite

Chine – Vietnam – Philippines – Russie : La Russie agent potentiel de cristallisation de la situation en mer de Chine du Sud

Une série d’événements, sans coordinations vraiment apparentes les uns avec les autres, amènent à penser que, dans la crise de la mer de Chine méridionale, la Russie pourrait être l’agent susceptible de favoriser en arrière scène la cristallisation d’une situation potentiellement détonante.

A series of events, appearing without obvious bounds with each other, may lead to think that, in the present crisis of the South China Sea, Russia may indirectly become the agent who behind the scene could help to partly freeze a potentially explosive situation.

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