China : The great plague will not come from China!

Covid-19 particularly affects China, which is mobilizing significant resources to eradicate this pandemic. China has experienced several outbreaks in the course of its history. Some of them came to Europe. They were all called « plagues » even if they were sometimes other pandemics. Chinese authorities are trying to eradicate the negative effects of the covid-19 pandemic. But it will affect the growth rate of the Chinese economy in 2022. 


China has had a history of great epidemics that were once all called plagues when they reached Europe, such as the one of 1343-1347 that killed between a third and a half of the European population. It most likely originated in southern China and reached Europe after ravaging the Caspian region. The covid-19 that came from Wuhan will not be the plague of our century. China is mobilizing significant resources to avoid this catastrophe. The current covid-19 pandemic is due to a virus that, according to the WHO, was unknown before its appearance in Wuhan in December 2019. Although the exact origin of the new coronavirus is still being debated, it therefore appears to have originated in China. [•••]


Excerpt from the confidential letter Asie21-Futuribles n° 160/2022-04

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